in coming forward
One would fcarcely think it poflible for' men, fituated and interefted as they were, to avoid complaining of the unrelenting malice of his enemies, of the degradation of the priefts and rulers, in coming forward, not only as the MBT accufers of Jefus Chrift, but mixing with the loweft of the mob, attending at his crucifixion, aild being among the moft forward in infults and farcafms upon the illuf-trious fufferer. And yet we may be certain from their ftedfaft attachment, that they were deeply affe&ed with all his forrows and fufferings j but their fentiments they exprefs not to the world. They commit an honeft and fair relation of bare fa&s to men, and leave them to make what inferences and conclufions they thought proper. They are faithful hiftorians, and without any apparent feiafs, and without prejudice: they feem to write without tory burch flats any concern, but the honour and advancement of the truth. tory burch outlet A fecond circumftance or chara&er in thefe hiftorians is remarkable, they pay no regard to what others had written on the fame fubjeCt before. Had they written in concert, and with the direft -view of promoting the fame caufe, they would have taken proper care to have preferved tory burch sale fome uniformity in their arrangement; to have fupported the fame fefts and not to have contradi&ed, in their narration any of thofe fiitts or circumftatices, that had been recorded by their colleagues or friends. But if any one will read, with attention, their feveral hiftories, he will find a difference of arrangement, different fa&s and circumftances alfo brought forward by different hiftorians, the fame fa£t differently told and many things fo altered and changed in their different relations, that we are fotnetimes at a lofs to determine, whether it be in reality the fame fa£t, that any two or more of them are telling, or fome other one nearly refembling it in fome leading features Matthew MBT Shoes UK and Luke give us even different pedigrees of jefus Chrift For the folutiorrof this difficulty, I muft refer you to the commentators. I only mention this to (hew, that we have no reafori to fuppofe, that they wrote in collufion; and to fhew how inattentive they were to what others had written on the fame fubjett before. Each appears to have written what ftruck him the moft forcibly, and what feemed the moft proper to make us acquainted with the chara&er tory burch shoes and do&rines of Jefus Chrift. They are only careful to give them upon the beft authority, either from their own perfonal knowledge or as they had MBT Shoes them from thofe, who from the beginning were eye-witneffes and miniters of the word.
One would fcarcely think it poflible for' men, fituated and interefted as they were, to avoid complaining of the unrelenting malice of his enemies, of the degradation of the priefts and rulers, in coming forward, not only as the MBT accufers of Jefus Chrift, but mixing with the loweft of the mob, attending at his crucifixion, aild being among the moft forward in infults and farcafms upon the illuf-trious fufferer. And yet we may be certain from their ftedfaft attachment, that they were deeply affe&ed with all his forrows and fufferings j but their fentiments they exprefs not to the world. They commit an honeft and fair relation of bare fa&s to men, and leave them to make what inferences and conclufions they thought proper. They are faithful hiftorians, and without any apparent feiafs, and without prejudice: they feem to write without tory burch flats any concern, but the honour and advancement of the truth. tory burch outlet A fecond circumftance or chara&er in thefe hiftorians is remarkable, they pay no regard to what others had written on the fame fubjeCt before. Had they written in concert, and with the direft -view of promoting the fame caufe, they would have taken proper care to have preferved tory burch sale fome uniformity in their arrangement; to have fupported the fame fefts and not to have contradi&ed, in their narration any of thofe fiitts or circumftatices, that had been recorded by their colleagues or friends. But if any one will read, with attention, their feveral hiftories, he will find a difference of arrangement, different fa&s and circumftances alfo brought forward by different hiftorians, the fame fa£t differently told and many things fo altered and changed in their different relations, that we are fotnetimes at a lofs to determine, whether it be in reality the fame fa£t, that any two or more of them are telling, or fome other one nearly refembling it in fome leading features Matthew MBT Shoes UK and Luke give us even different pedigrees of jefus Chrift For the folutiorrof this difficulty, I muft refer you to the commentators. I only mention this to (hew, that we have no reafori to fuppofe, that they wrote in collufion; and to fhew how inattentive they were to what others had written on the fame fubjett before. Each appears to have written what ftruck him the moft forcibly, and what feemed the moft proper to make us acquainted with the chara&er tory burch shoes and do&rines of Jefus Chrift. They are only careful to give them upon the beft authority, either from their own perfonal knowledge or as they had MBT Shoes them from thofe, who from the beginning were eye-witneffes and miniters of the word.
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